Foot massage is one of the most unbelievably relaxing treats that you can give yourself or others. The ultimate study of foot massage is reflexology. Foot reflexology is "pressure therapy" and involves applying focused pressure to certain known reflex points located in the foot to cure or prevent disease.
Foot reflexology is based on the premise that our nerve zones or reflex points go from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head, encompassing all vital organs on the way. A trained reflexologist can put pressure on different meridiens or energy lines on the sole and side of the feet to determine the cause of illness.
The history of foot massage was said that Chinese popularly used foot massage for treatment for 5,000 years age. Then it was disseminated in Thailand. Therefore, Foot massage was improved, developed and applied for health care, especially for relieving muscle pain, relaxing and curing some diseases because Foot massage could stimulate the function of physical organs to balance.
Foot massage refers to give a massage on the parts of foot for preventing and curing some diseases in order to stimulate all parts of foot for preventing and curing some diseases in order to stimulate all parts of foot such as left and right side. Backside, internal and external foot.
It is said that the foot massage is the art of treatment which Chinese and Indian used to diagnose and cure some diseases more than 3,000 years before Christ. Foot massage is not extravagant and applied with folk instrument such as coconut shell, bamboo, aromatic essential oil and herbal hot compress to giving more efficiency.